Sunday, December 21, 2008

Taxes and The Modern Era

Make no mistake, I will never sugar coat my disdain for having to pay taxes. Like every good Vermonter, good American, I never really paid too much attention to them, I just did my part and paid them. I loose a good chunk of my paycheck to the Federal and State governments. Somewhere to the tune of 25% of my paycheck between the two.

Because I make so little money, and because I pay my student loans every month, these two governments reimburse me every year when I file my taxes. But this is a sign of our broken system. WHY TAKE MY MONEY ONLY TO GIVE IT BACK? Why not just take less and not reimburse me? It would be less bureacracy, and you'd need less tax money to pay for it. Makes sense to me!

In this day and age I just don't get taxes. The rich have accounts to find loopholes and get them out of paying them, the poor get their welfare and unemployment tax free, who's that leave to pay? People who work for a living, that's who.

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