Sunday, December 14, 2008

Invest In Vermont, And Vermonters!!

Crossposted @

This started out as a comment, but I decided it was worth expanding and building upon.

I was embarrassed this week to see Jim Douglas, governor of Vermont giving testimony in Washington. It seemingly amounted to nothing more than a beggar looking for handouts. Maybe if he surrounded himself with able, qualified, intelligent, outside-of-the-box thinking people in his administration instead of this cronies, Vermont might have more options. His appearance did not make me proud to be a Vermonter, we take care of our own, and are in much better of a position to do so than the Federal government at this point.

Hopefully this will get a few others to chime in with their thoughts. If you don't learn history, you are doomed to repeat it. We've been through hard economic times before, and we need to do what we know works. It's time for the 2009 New Deal For Vermont, there is no better time to invest in Vermont and Vermonters.

Vermont has one of the best bond ratings of all the states in the union. It's time we take advantage of that to secure funds to rebuild our crumbling infrastructure. Put Vermonters to work rebuilding, and preparing our state for the next 100 years. We INCREASE state goverment, the biggest employer in the state of Vermont IS already the state of Vermont.

Run with this for the short term, and turn the whole state into a massive public works project to put people to work and prepare us for the future. Put forth a massive concerted effort to rebuild our bridges, roads, and telecommunications. Also of priority would be environmental conservation projects aimed at waste and pollution reduction, recycling and reuse, controlling/eradicating invasive species, and assisting Vermont communities with growth center and economic development. From working on the facilities at state parks, to turning wastes into resources, or building new businesses, there is very little we can't do.

Today's Freeps ran with an article that 2,ooo more Vermonters just signed up for unemployment benefits last week, bringing the total to more than eleven thousand receiving benefits. They may have to up the unemployment costs to businesses because here's more money going out than coming in, ad that's not going to help businesses already struggling with payrolls. We're gonna be spending the money whether we get some bang for our buck or not. Let's get these people some work to do! Vermonters are a hardy lot, and would rather do something than nothing.

This is not nearly a complete picture or plan, but it's a start. Dialogue and Yankee ingenuity can and will get us through these hard times. We all need to sit back, look at the big picture, and say what can I do to help Vermont get through this, we're in it together. Right now Vermont's future is being decided for us, let's take a stand, invest in Vermont and Vermonters!

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