Sunday, March 23, 2008

Why Is Jim Douglas Such A Bad Governor?

crossposted @

I'll tell you why, what's the single most greatest thing Jim Douglas has done attaining the governorship? (Cue crickets chirping) Anything? Anyone? That's right, Douglas's greatest accomplishment thus far has been to continually fly under the radar and avoid any real issues.

Talk, now this is something that Douglas is good at! Talk about affordability, talk about lowering taxes. Has he helped make any of it happen? He talks and talks, and finds a whole host of reasons to blame his inability to do something on everybody else.

How about the people he surrounds himself with? Cronies. So far three of his appointments to the Fish and Wildlife board have had to resign for breaking fish and game laws, some example to set. Then there's Lunderville, the Governors campaign manager turned Secretary of Transportation. How about the Secretary of Agriculture, former WCAX reporter Anson Tebbits?

Our current governor has made a profession of sitting on the fence, while shooting down either side. He won't come swinging on any real issues of substance because he's afraid he might alienate voters. The problem in this day and age, is Vermont needs a governor who stands up for us. Douglas however, chooses to sit behind his desk.

We need a governor who's not afraid to make themself unpopular. Someone who will take on real issues of substance and reach out to help working Vermonters. That will never be Jim Douglas! He spends to much time being afraid of his own shadow to ever be an effective governor.

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